This evening, Oct 29th, between 8 and 9PM EST we will be making a minor change on our new webmail servers at This may cause some logouts or a momentary reset in connecting to webmail, but this should be brief. If you experience any difficulty please just wait a few minutes and login again.
Connection issues [Resolved]
Intermittent connection issues with easyMAIL and the control panel have now been resolved. DNS resolution was not impacted. We apologize for the inconvenience. UPDATE: Expanding on the connection issues: Duration: Approximately 35 minutes (10:15am EST to 10:50am EST) This morning easyDNS was experiencing slowdowns. After some investigation, it turned out there was an active Denial […]
[Resolved] .COM & .NET Whois Outage
We are currently experiencing an issue with our registry partner for .COM & .NET whois lookups. Until this has been fixed, the full whois output will not display. We apologise for any inconvenience.
[Resolved] Brief Datacenter Outage
Shortly after 3pm ET today our main datacenter in Markham, ON experienced a failure in one of its core routers at 151 Front St, which as many of you know is the main NAP for Toronto area. This affected connectivity to the main easyDNS control panel, website, email servers and web hosting platform. DNS and […]
[RFO] Reason For Outage May 1, 2017
Yesterday we experienced an outage affecting the main easyDNS website, the control panel, easyMail and mail forwarding. The cause was a corrupted database in our core DB cluster. As expedient as it might be to blame the root cause on Russian state-sponsored hackers, the reality is that it was caused by operator error. A sysadmin was […]
MAINTENANCE WINDOW: Friday, April 29, 7:00 PM-9:00 PM EDT
We will be performing emergency maintenance on, our inbound/outbound zone transfer node, tonight between 7:00 PM and 9:00 PM EDT. Customer impact is expected to be minimal, but domains using our secondary service may experience delayed updates during this period. We apologize for the short notice.