Today is the day, .xxx sunrise begins. Here’s an offer we should all refuse: Wanna protect your good name from having somebody erect a pornographic website on Then fork over $300 and you’ll be “protected” against that happening for 10 years. It’s called a non-adult sunrise blocking registration and the .xxx registry expects those […]
Who Will Be the Big Winners and Losers of the New TLDs?
Before the weekend I was asked to write a guest piece for Domain Name News (DNN) about my take on the new Top Level Domains program which purports to begin adding unlimited new TLDs to the root. Our reaction as a company to new TLDs is atypical for most Registrars. Rather than whip our member […]
Update on Intermittent DNS issues on legacy platform. [resolved]
We’ve made further adjustments to the system. While symptoms disappeared quite quickly, we continue to monitor the situation. If, perchance, this recurs and you happen to be near a shell, please run this command: dig +trace [domain] and then email us those results. If you also include a “traceroute” it may be helpful as well. […]
DNS Anomaly on Saturday – transient lookup issues [resolved]
On Saturday, July 9, between 5:30pm EST and 6:30pm EST (21:30 – 22:30 UTC) we had a spike in users reporting response issues on some domains. Service degraded for the better part of an hour for some domains or (more likely) some parts of the world. As much as we hate to use the “regional […]
And now for something less confusing…
One of the more common criticisms of the new interface we’ve been hearing back from our members is that the Domain Overview module was “too busy” with too much stuff making it hard to find what you’re looking for. and the #IPv6day DNS Hosting Promo
June 8, 2011 is World IPv6 Day. Most of our nameservers have been dual-stacked for IPv6 for a few months now, the exception being dns2, which is the Prolexic deployed anycast constellation. So we’ve already been running IPv6 enabled nameservers, and we actually hung ourselves up a little ahead of IPv6day by creating a weird […]