Update: We have a workaround in place so mail will be flowing properly to Hotmail going forward. –Simon Greetings, The outbound mail service for “legacy” retail users (those using the old interface and system) is currently being blocked by Hotmail. If you’re trying to e-mail someone at Hotmail you’ve probably noticed it. We’re taking a […]
mailout.easydns.com update
Greetings users, As of late our mailout.easydns.com service has experienced some outages and downtime. We’ve discovered the problem to be with the hardware we were using. To alleviate this we’ve deployed a new machine this morning to handle the mailout.easydns.com duties. Over the coming days we will also be adding more machines to handle the […]
mailout.easydns.com upgrades this evening.
Greetings, If you’re a regular user of our easySMTP service at “mailout.easydns.com” you’ve probably noticed that it’s been sketchy for the last couple of days, usually during peak times in the middle of the day! The first part of the problem we’ve identified; we have had a couple of power users inadvertently pound our servers. […]
.CO domains in, .TEL domains are out.
As is customary here when it comes to new top-level domain rollouts, we’ve added support for .CO domains now that the registry has launched real-time live registrations. As we mentioned in previous posts, we are recommending that if you operate a serious net presence under .COM, you should if you can pickup the corresponding .CO […]
Zak Muscovitch for CIRA Board
It’s that time of year again when CIRA holds it’s elections for seats on the Board. As I never tire of relating: when I was on the CIRA Board, I got the opportunity to travel across the country and meet .CA domain holders from all walks of life. When the Board held open forums in […]
mailout.easydns.com blip
Greetings, We had a brief blip on the outbound mail system for “legacy” retail users at the address mailout.easydns.com. We have restarted the responsible service and mail should be flowing again without issue. Thanks for your patience. [UPDATE – September 1 @ 1:40pm] – This issue has been resolved. More details about what steps are […]