Due to an unexpected scheduling conflict, our support team is unfortunately not able to offer phone support today. We will still be answering emails as per usual; if you have any support requests, please send them to support@easydns.com
Verisign domain takedown proposal very worrisome.
Under a proposed Verisign initiative, all .COM/.NET domains exist at the pleasure of the United States government. Verisign just released an overview of their proposed “Anti-Abuse Domain Use Policy” Under ICANN’s Registry Services Evaluation Process. The program’s chief aim is to provide a takedown mechanism of malicious websites distributing malware. In itself, not a bad […]
Remembering Steve
With the rest of the world, we are saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ passing. Everyone at easyDNS feels a special connection to Apple and its products. We use Apple products everyday to build the websites, write the code and keep our business humming. Steve Jobs was a creative genius who showed millions that technology […]
Emergency downtime for URL forwarding [completed]
In an effort to improve the performance of the URL forwarding services for our customers, we will need to temporarily bring down the server responsible for URL forwarding for maintenance. Downtime is expected to last between 10-20 minutes, and shall be taking place on Wednesday, October 5th, at 2am EST. During this time frame, URL […]
Try Enterprise DNS for a month, on us.
On friday we announced that our GeoDNS service had gone into βeta. Hidden in the fine print of that post was our trial offer on Enterprise DNS. We figured it would be weasle-ish to force people into a paid upgrade to Enterprise DNS to get access to a beta feature, hence the free trial. Since […]
Friday fun: GeoDNS now in Beta
We’re pleased to announce that GeoDNS is now in βeta. GeoDNS enables you to serve different DNS data based on four globally geographic regions: North America (East) North America (West) Europe Asia This may be useful if you are streaming content from multiple datacenters or want to direct traffic from different parts of the world […]