We have just modified Item #5 of our Terms of Service as follows: Old Version 5. Having said that: We are typically vigorous advocates for our clients. We require a court order to take down your domains or websites and we notify of you of any attempts to take down your domains or websites or […]
What's New
Additional Record Types
We often get requests to support less common DNS record types. We’ve added a new section in the control panel to manage ‘Other’ resource record types. The following record types are currently supported: AFSDB CERT KEY LOC RP SSHFP TLSA The preference for ‘Show Advanced DNS Records’ needs to be enabled: In the ‘DNS Settings’ […]
Integration with Linode Nameservers now in beta
Following on our mantra that the way to achieve 100% DNS availability all the time, no matter what is to use multiple DNS systems and then have a coherent strategy for keeping them in sync and readily deploy-able, we bring you (easyNode?) DNS integration with Linode’s DNS service. What this means is that similar to […]
New Host Monitoring Tools
A new version of our host monitoring system is now available that offers two new features: An option to specify a URL to test when monitoring HTTP and HTTPS. An option to look for specific text in the HTTP response when monitoring HTTP and HTTPS. Host monitoring and Failover DNS is available at the DNS […]
DNSResolvers.com Shutdown Imminent
As announced nearly a year ago, DNSResolvers.com will be shutdown, no later than July 1st. As outlined in our original announcement: DNSResolvers was free, it was not our core business, and we now exist in online environment where nobody should be running open public resolvers unless they are devoting ample resources toward making sure they […]
The Streamlined DNS Editor is here
The DNS Zone Overview has been updated a bit so now it’s easier for you to edit multiple records and record types at the same time. You access this new editor via the left-hand side menu option “DNS Settings” from your member control panel. Here’s a quick video to walk you through the key differences […]