We are investigating the periodic slowness in connecting to our mailout server – timeouts and delays in sending emails. We apologise for any inconvenience and are working on resolving this as soon as possible. Update: The slowness of delivery is no longer occurring or being reported.
Registry Maintenance Window – DNS Unaffected
From 12pm to 6pm EST on 30 & 31 January, and 01 February 2024, our registry partner will be conducting maintenance for improved performance & reliability on various parts of their system. This potentially impacts domain and SSL orders made through easyDNS during these maintenance window times. We will closely monitor orders that fail to […]
easyDNS Holiday Hours 2023
Here are our Support hours over the upcoming holiday season. 22 December – we are closing at 3p EST 23 December – open from 12p to 6p EST 24 December – open from 12p to 3p EST 25 December – CLOSED 26 December – open from 8:30a to 3p EST 27-28 December – normal business […]
Domain addition outage (RESOLVED)
This issue is now resolved. Thank you for your patience. easyDNS is currently experiencing an outage through our registry partner when adding domains for registration and transfers to our system. Their engineers are investigating and working on the outage to restore services as soon as possible. We apologise for any inconvenience and hope to have […]
Mailforwarding to AT&T (RESOLVED)
Unfortunately at this time, AT&T forwarded mail continues to be blocked. We have been aware of the mail-blocking issue when forwarded to AT&T and their partner sites. easyDNS has submitted multiple and continued de-list requests. We continue to work on a resolution and hope for one very soon. Please feel free to contact AT&T with […]
.INFO and .MOBI price increase
easyDNS will be adjusting our prices for .INFO and .MOBI registrations in reaction to registry fee increases. The price adjustment for both starts on Thursday, February 16th, 2023 when .INFO registration fees will increase to $24/year on a two-year registration and $26 for a single year. For .MOBI, the fees will increase to $29/year on […]