To help contain the spread of COVID-19 easyDNS will be implementing the following public health measures:
Proof of Immunity in the form of a digital passport, will be required before registrants will be permitted to undertake the following operations:
- Registration of new domains
- Renewal of existing domains
- Transfer-away of existing domains
We will not require, but strongly advise that domain registrants double-mask when performing any of the above operations.
It’s not often that we find ourselves retrofitting such drastic measures, so we’ve decided to take this opportunity to Equalize Everything Easily.
In addition to proof of immunity, all easyDNS customers will be required to
- Publicly post a Diversity and Inclusion statement to their website home pages, and
- Link to that statement in all outbound email communications (whether traversing the easyDNS mail servers or otherwise)
- Formally commit to operating their business in an ESG compliant manner.
Any domains that fail to post the specified policies or conduct themselves in this manner will be canceled and made available for re-registration.
We’ve provided plug-and-play templates for your D&I statement and ESG compliance right here.
This may seem drastic, but we urge everybody to listen to the experts and follow the science.
If you wish to opt-out of these new provisions click here.
F*ck off, nazi.
Somebody be triggered.
This “article” fooled me at first. I had not heard of Mark Jeftovic. Mark Leone’s comment prompted me to do a little research on Jeftovic. The faux message is satire.
Good grief, David Wooten. Get over yourself. That was obvious satire. Well written, hilarious satire. On April Fools Day, no less.
unbelievable!! that didn’t get Mark’s humour! The sentence “We will not require, but strongly advise that domain registrants double-mask when performing any of the above operations.” is a dead give away and should have made you lol!
Epic!! Had me for a few seconds, until I remembered what EasyDNS and Mark Jeftovic are all about. It’s a sad commentary that it would have been believable coming from many other companies, on ANY day of the year.
Good think I spray my domains hourly with a disinfectant.
Good call.
Okay, sorry. I, too, have done some research on Mr Jeftovic and I appreciate is satire.
I love this. I knew better than to be triggered when I realized the date, and also remembered that you published the best Rickroll ever created a year or two ago.
Yes, the “We know who Satoshi Nakamoto is” joke of 2018.
Jeftovic can force compliance all he wants, however, not once did I see in the policy statement what easyDNS is doing to mitigate COVID. For instance, do the techs sanitize the hard drive platters of the servers hourly? And in the case of SSD’s, are they replacing them entirely and destroying the used ones hourly? Until I’m assured that easyDNS is also being responsible and doing their part from server side, I’m doing nothing 😉
almost, man. Two sentences in, and then …wait a minute… THis is Jeftovic… what day was this posted? Brilliant!