We’ve posted the mini-FAQ about the ICANN Whois Accuracy Program (WAP) in the knowledge base. It is available here: https://fusion.easydns.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/260/17/the-icann-whois-accuracy-program-wap Further Reading: Unfortunately, We have renewed our ICANN accreditation As Deadly as a DDoS, ICANN Unleashes the WAP
Malware email alert from registrar@easydns.com
Looks like a malware email has been going out with the envelope from set to registrar@easydns.com Subject: Invoice The body of the message says simply: Check Invoice#37 The number varies but seems to be two digits, the attached zip file will be named Invoice#(37).zip where the number will match the one in the body of […]
Upgrading easyMAIL
Great news! easyMAIL has been rebuilt from the ground up in a brand new facility with greater speed and capacity. Our team has spent the last 3 months bolting in High Availability, backups and an increased capacity. The last few weeks have been spent testing every aspect of it, literally trying to break the infrastructure […]
Unfortunately, we have renewed our ICANN Accreditation
[ NOTE: We will be posting a follow-up to address the many questions that have come up out of this. One thing we’ll mention now since it’s the most asked question: .CA domains are not affected by this (they already undergo a validation process by CIRA – more on that in the follow up) ] […]
Why We Will Not Be Registering easyDNS.SUCKS
Similar to how it’s getting harder these days to differentiate actual news from The Onion satires, reality takes on a somewhat surreal timbre when it starts to imitate your April Fool’s gags from yesteryear… In 2011 we joked “easyDNS To Launch .SUX TLD”, in which we posited a thinly veiled extortion racket to goad squeamish […]
easyDNS to Rebrand as easy.WTF
After 16 years as an iconic .com startup, easyDNS will shed its moniker and rebrand as easy.WTF. At a press conference this morning, easy.WTF CEO Mark Jeftovic explained “dot COM is a dinosaur. That era is over. The Zeitgeist of the times we live in is captured perfectly by WTF”. The company foresees a meteoric […]