The big news this morning is #cloudbleed, a bug in Cloudflare’s web service that was discovered by a Google researcher to be leaking sensitive data, including authentication credentials in plaintext. Due to the size of the Cloudflare user base, this affects a huge swath of the internet, including many easyDNS customers. There are three main […]
Customer Feedback Surveys Considered Harmful
Customer satisfaction surveys are hot. Every time you go to the bank, open a support ticket with an online vendor, go on a trip or hire a freelancer for any task, you will subsequently be dogged relentlessly with email requests to rate your experience. On the surface, this is good idea. Given the near […]
Why you need a paper shredder.
I just got in from walking the dog, out in my travels I saw a piece of paper in the gulley where she was sniffing around and I noticed the Amex logo. It was a credit card statement. Yesterday was garbage day and after a few days of high winds, I figure it blew out […]
Fake domain emails rising and more malicious
The number and variations of “fake domain” type emails are on the rise and carrying more malicious payloads. Fake ICANN “Compliance” emails One set making the rounds are variants of fake ICANN “compliance” emails such as the one pasted below: Dear Domain Owner, Our system has detected that your domain: {example}.com is being used for spamming […]
Dynamic DNS supports creation of IPv6 records
AAAA records can now be created or updated via DYN update calls. For the ‘myip’ parameter in the DYN update call, you can now pass an IPv6 address. Be sure to escape special characters like colons with %3A and forward slashes with %2F as necessary in IPv6 addresses. For example, the IPv6 address 2400:cb00:2049:1::a29f:1835 would […]
Holiday Hours
Please note that our office is CLOSED Christmas Day, Sunday 25 December 2016, and New Year’s Day, Sunday 1 January 2017. Our telephone support hours over the holidays: Monday 26 December 2016 – 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EST. Tuesday 27 December 2016 – 8:30 AM to 6:00 PM EST. Wednesday 28 December 2016 – […]