I feel like finally, after everything that’s happened, we get a bit of vindication in the media as Canada’s own Globe and Mail steps up to the plate and becomes the first (and thus far only) major, mainstream media outlet to get it right. Thank you. If I could clarify just one thing about the […]
Timeline of an Epic #FAIL: The WikiLeaks Takedown Fiasco
Things have been moving so fast over the last five days I haven’t had a chance to come up for air. This entire ordeal has completely taken over my life, just when I think things are calming down, some gigantic media outlet comes out with another story about Wikileaks that includes the erroneous “fact” that […]
Concerns around Wikileaks DNS for easyDNS Members
I’ve received a few emails and comments to the blog expressing perfectly understandable concern around easyDNS providing DNS for wikileaks.ch (what’s more, wikileaks.nl has also just added our DNS to their nameserver delegation). Please excuse us for not adequately clarifying the situation earlier to address these concerns. The stability and reliability of our systems and […]
New facebook page
Getting with the times, we figured it’s time to start an official Facebook page for easyDNS before some gigantic media conglomerate reports the Communist Kitten Molesters facebook page as ours. Since I can’t figure out how to create one of those /easydns URLs at facebook, we’ve set up a redirect: Here it is: http://facebook.easydns.org
easyDNS added to Wikileaks.ch DNS delegation
[ Update Dec 5th 5:45pm EST: At the moment we’re part of the delegation for wikileaks.ch and were told to expect the .org delegation, however it is now looking more nebulous. There is some confusion around control over the wikileaks.ORG domain and who has it. To be honest, it turns out we are not dealing […]
Thank you to all, I would like this to stop now.
[ Update: After writing this article late last night, I awoke this morning to find that none other than the New York Times had picked up the “easyDNS unplugs Wikileaks” meme and published it on The Lede blog – reigniting another wave of retweets, calls for boycotts of every company involved in the Wikileaks persecution, […]