Title says it all, easyDNS member Many Ayromlou wrote a clear step-by-step mini-howto today explaining the procedure to get your domain name registered through us working with your blogger.com blog: http://www.nerdlogger.com/2007/05/how-to-use-custom-dns-name-with-blogger.html My only comment is Step 6 shouldn’t be a few hours’ wait, not unless you’ve already typed your domain name into your browser before […]
Tips and Tricks
Four essential components of Search Engine Optimization
I’ve been helping a longtime customer debug getting his website setup with a google sitemap and stealth redirection and he asked me in more general terms if I had any advice for him around search engine optimization. Here are four essential “must have’s” for SEO. Three you can do right now, the fourth is not […]
Want to reduce email spam to your mail server? Stop using backup spooling
It is with regret that we have come to the following conclusion, but here it is: Offsite backup SMTP spoolers and backup mail exchangers have become worse than useless The problem is spam and the software that delivers it exploiting the weak authentication schemes inherent in the SMTP protocol itself. It used to be an […]