We have managed to restore service on the affected server and clients should see their websites coming up shortly. We are currently having trouble with one of our easyWeb hosting servers, we are working to being service back up as soon as possible and hope to have service restored momentarily.
April 8, 2016: Fusion outage
Today (April 8, 2016) at approximately 10 AM EDT we experienced a brief outage with our ticketing system due to an error introduced by a system upgrade. This issue has since been resolved. If you have received a bounce message in response to a ticket please resubmit it and we will get to it promptly.
cpanel4 web server issues
We have identified and corrected the issue with the webserver and are working on ensuring the fix is permanent. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. We are experiencing a problem with our cpanel4 web server, so you may experience slowness or interruptions in service if your easyWeb domain is hosted […]
intermittent easyWeb outages
This problem appears to be resolved at the moment, we are continuing to monitor the situation but the server is back online and appears to be stable. We have had to brint one of our easyWeb servers offline for emergency maintenance to resolve intermittent outages it was experiencing. If your easyWeb hosted domain is located […]
[COMPLETED] Maintenance window: Thursday, March 24 8:30 PM – Friday, March 25 4:00 AM EDT
UPDATE March 25, 2016 2:15 AM EDT: Maintenance has been completed slightly ahead of schedule and normal operation has resumed. If you are still having problems accessing easyDNS websites or other services please contact us at support@easydns.com and we will assist you further. Thank you for your patience. Please be advised that easyDNS will […]
URL forwarding outage
We are currently experiencing an problem at our upstream provider which is causing an outage in our URL forwarding service. We are working to resolve this as soon as possible and we will update this posting when more information. We have put a new URL forwarding server in place to get around the providers outage […]