Today is The Day We Fight Back, a global initiative to send a message to our overlords that we’re not thrilled about being spied on, subject to mass surveillance and basically living in an Orwellian nightmare. Ordinarily we’re not big “joiners” or “petition pushers”, we think taking action has more efficacy. However, this is in […]
Welcome to easyDNS, Press 1 for support. Press 2 to get the last 4-digits of your credit card number on file here.
Just kidding. We’ve had numerous requests to today to comment on this issue as Naoki Hiroshima’s nightmarish tale of how his Godaddy account, Paypal account and ultimately his highly coveted Twitter handle were compromised and the latter stolen. (Sorry I haven’t posted sooner on this, I’m out of the office this week, way up north […]
As Deadly as a DDoS: ICANN Unleashes the Whois Accuracy Program
More effective than a botnet, more sweeping than a Denial-of-Service attack, ICANN has devised a deadly Weapon of Mass Destruction that can instantly render a entire online presence persona-non-grata regardless of how much redundancy, mitigation muscle-power or firewalls a hapless defender has deployed, this latest attack vector can take it all away, not with one […]
Know Your Domain Right
(Originally a guest post written for Techdirt) When I first got into this business I frequently wondered why the domain-policy mailing lists I was getting involved in attracted a lot of activist types. Over the years it became apparent to me very quickly, that in an emerging era of global communications and transparency (what Anthony […]
NABP to Registrars: You Must Takedown and Seize Any Domain We Tell You To
It’s almost surreal to be getting this letter from the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) addressed to ICANN Registrars requesting that “you adopt and implement policies and procedures, consistent with this letter,”, given the timing of what we just went through with the City of London Police takedown requests. What are those policies and […]
Domains Locked in London Police Takedown Ordered To Be Transferred.
The National Arbitration Forum has just handed down its decision in respect to the three domain names locked down at Public Domain Registry in response to the City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit takedown requests. The decision is in favour of easyDNS and orders the three names to be transferred to us. The […]