I know, it seems crazy, and it was pure fluke that enabled me to connect the dots on this. Background Back in December, 2010 Wikileaks was under a payment blockade, wherein US political figures acted extra-judiciously against the whistleblower site by convincing Paypal and VISA, etc to stop processing donations for them. It was at […]
Should You Delete Your Facebook Page?
In 1994 Wired magazine ran a short story entitled “Hack the spew” . This was back when Wired was actually cutting edge and not the insufferable Silicon Valley stroke job it became after Conde Naste acquired it. In it our antihero “Stark” finds himself inexplicably recruited as a kind of data scout, looking for viable consumer trends […]
Is Bitcoin Cash a "legitimate" crypto-currency?
Several weeks ago we announced support for Bitcoin Cash as part of our response to the situation of inordinately high fees for Bitcoin transactions (a situation we consider to be temporary and of the “growing pains” ilk). Those remedies included zero confirmations for existing members in good standing, and we adopted Bitcoin Cash as a […]
DNS leak disclosure
Since the summer we have been carrying out routine upgrades and rebuilds of our anycast constellations. In July and August we rebuilt dns3.easydns.org and dns3.easydns.ca, while more recently we moved dns4.easydns.info from an outsourced anycast provider to one we have rebuilt and deployed ourselves. On Friday November 10, 2017 we were made aware that dns4.easydns.info had […]
0 Confirmations & Now accepting Bitcoin Cash as a payment method.
Before the holidays we took a look at a bunch of Bitcoin payments we’ve received and saw that the transaction fees were in the area of 10% of the gross amount of the transaction. That seems high, and while we have every confidence that this is a short term phenomenon – namely, Segwit2x and/or Lightning, […]
"Net Neutrality" wasn't all it was cracked up to be.
Last week the internet went insane when the FCC announced it would likely repeal the Obama-era “Open Internet Act” which enshrined “net neutrality” into law. Ajit Pai, who was appointed to the FCC by then President Obama, entered a dissenting opinion when the rule was enacted. He was later made FCC chair by Trump. From […]