With concerns to the recent storm hitting the U.S. and Canada, we have increased the time we will hold mail on our back-up mail users to 10 days from 5 days. thank you the easyDNS team. [ UPDATE – 2012-12-17 @ 12:27pm EST ] As it has been over six weeks since Sandy, we have […]
Resolved: easyDNS non-core services outage
We are currently experiencing an outage at one of our data centres that is affecting a number of our non-core services. Outbound mail service is impacted, as well as our support ticketing system, our public resolvers and a few other periphery services. DNS is not impacted by this event, nor is url or mail forwarding, […]
[RESOLVED] Power Outage @ easyDNS HQ
[RESOLVED] Power has been restored to our office and the phones are online again. Our support staff is on site and answering both phones and email tickets. Once thanks for your continued support of easyDNS. Due to a power outage in the building where our offices reside , we are unable to […]
Hacking, Social Engineering and Your EasyDNS Account
You may have heard by now how Wired‘s Mat Honan was hacked. If you haven’t, you can read about it here, but in a nutshell: hackers got into his Twitter and Gmail account after easily obtaining the last four digits of his credit card from his Amazon account. With that information, they were able to […]
Web Forwarding during recent DDoS Attacks [Updated]
(27/07/12) Update : Mitigation of the attack continues and webforwarding solutions have been implemented. Please see https://easydns.com/2012/07/26/another-ddos-attack-against-web-forwarding/ for details (26/07/12) Update : the DDoS has moved on to the new servers, and both are now being affected. We regret any inconvenience, and continue to work to mitigate the attack. —————————————————– Our apologies if this sounds a […]
DDoS attack – July 25 2012
At 3:30 pm EST, easyDNS experienced a denial of service attack which is still underway, but has been mostly mitigated. Between 3:30 & 4:30, our web-based interface and blog were unavailable, and some mail services were intermittently affected. While no mail is anticipated to have been lost, some delays in receipt and delivery are anticipated, […]