The problem we were having with easyMail has now been resolved, so email delivery and behaviour should be back to normal. We are experiencing some oddities with email delivery since making changes to improve our spam filtering on the new easyMail system. Email is not being lost but there have been delays and spam filtering […]
Le Programme d'Exactitude Whois ICANN (PEW)
Le Programme d’Exactitude Whois ICANN (PEW) s’applique à tous les bureaux d’enregistrement accrédités par l’ICANN sous l’AABE (Accord d’Accreditation des Bureaux d’Enregistrement) 2013. L’accréditation d’easyDNS se renouvelle automatiquement le 23 Juin 2015, et easyDNS sera soumis à l’application du Programme d’Exactitude Whois. Nous avons affiché à ce sujet sur notre blog: Malheureusement, nous avons renouvelé […]
easyMail delays
We have isolated an issue which was causing a delay in email delivery in the easyMail system as relating to the greylisting daemon, so we have disabled greylisting until we can get this issue corrected. Email service should be back in place, though there may be a brief delay while the server works through the […]
Upgrading easyMAIL
Great news! easyMAIL has been rebuilt from the ground up in a brand new facility with greater speed and capacity. Our team has spent the last 3 months bolting in High Availability, backups and an increased capacity. The last few weeks have been spent testing every aspect of it, literally trying to break the infrastructure […]
25% OFF .CA Domain Registration Sale Ended March 31 2015
This sale ended March 31 2015.
Support Holiday Season Hours
easyDNS support will be closed only on 25 December 2014 and 01 January 2015. All times in Eastern. 24 December – 8:30a-3p 25 December – closed 26 December – 8:30a-6p 27 December – 12-6p 28 December – 12-6p 29 December – 8:30a-6p 30 December – 8:30a-6p 31 December – 8:30a-3p 01 January – closed 02 […]