In light of the recent ICANN advisory on domain lookup frontrunning we’ve made the guarantee that your domain lookups on easyWhois have and always will be, private. What is domain lookup front running? It is when an unscrupulous operator between you and a domain lookup tool, such as a whois lookup website, perhaps even the […]
How can I park or monetize my domain names?
Domain parking refers to monetizing otherwise unused domain names via pay-per-click advertising. There are numerous companies that exist soley to monetize “parked” domains in this manner. Most domain registrars “park” their customers’ idle and unused domains and monetize them, often keeping the revenues for themselves. If you have domain names simply “parked” with your registrar, […]
Members site maintenance, October 13th 2007
Greetings, We will be conducting a brief maintenance on our members interface tomorrow morning between 1:00am and 1:15am EST. During this time the members site will be unreachable. This maintenance is a follow up to the brief maintenance that was executed two weeks ago. Schedule – October 13th, 2007 – 1:00am to 1:15am EST
Thanksgiving Holiday support
Telephone support for Monday October 8, 2007 will be available from 8:30AM until 4:30PM EST. The easyDNS team.
registrar transfer errors
Registrar transfers are now functioning normally the easyDNS team
registrar transfer errors
We are currently experiencing difficulties with the confirmation links of domain transfers to easyDNS. At present the links resolve to an error page and not to the easyDNS domain transfer confirmation page.We are in contact with the systems group of the party involved and hope for a speedy resolution We do apologise for the inconvenience.