Following on our explanation of why we do not offer whois masking here at easyDNS, we note tonight that Registrar Namecheap has been sued “over cybersquatting claims for a domain name registered under the NameCheap whois privacy services”. As we outlined in our original article: Whoever is listed as the Registrant in the domain’s whois […]
Comcast blocking catch-all wildcard e-mail addresses, and some advice..
Update: Catch-alls originating from EasyDNS to Comcast are now once-again unblocked. That being said, please minimize your usage of catch-all wildcard e-mail addresses where you can. It’s good practice! Original Post: Greetings, Comcast is currently blocking “catch-all” wildcard e-mail addresses originating from EasyDNS. If you have a wildcard e-mail address set up at EasyDNS, and […]
DNS Query counts now visible
As of tonight you may notice when you log into your member control panel a new item beside each of your domain names called “query usage”. This links you to a monthly histogram depicting the DNS query counts for the domain. Right now we are just compiling aggregate lookups across all RR types and it […]
Do you really need to register your name under .tel?
We’ve turned up .tel registrations now that they’ve gone realtime and the initial registry implosion has stabilized. You may have noticed a distinct lack of urgency from us to light a fire under your keester to go register your name under .tel right now before somebody else takes it. As we outlined previously, we find […]
Bug fixed for some dynamic DNS clients
If your dynamic DNS client suddenly started having trouble sending updates over the last few days it is probably because your client does not support SSL connections and it was encountering a “302 found” response from our end redirecting it to an https address which it couldn’t follow. That should now be fixed and dynamic […]
New easyDNS Member feedback survey
Many of you may not know that we have an ongoing member feedback survey where we ask for your thoughts and impressions of using easyDNS. We try to make it as unobtrusive as possible, and for each respondent we make a $5 donation to a charity of your choosing (World Wildlife Fund, Children’s Wish Fund […]