Our subscribers have brought to our attention a new email scam designed to transfer domain names away from their legitimate registrars. Please be on the look out in your in box for a message from http://www.domainrenewal-online.org/ that will ask you to follow a link to renew your domain name. This link has nothing to do […]
Whois record modifications
We are currently experiencing some difficulties with the members page whois modification module. If you require an immediate whois record modification and are experiencing modification errors please contact our support department at support@easydns.com we apologise for the inconvenience and hope for a speedy resolution thank you easyDNS
DNS usage stats offline for now
We have temporarily disabled the DNS usage stats module while we iron out some performance and consistency issues. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope to have them back online within a week to 10 days.
members site interface sync weirdness
Greetings, Last night we switched our primary web server for the members interface to new hardware. During this process, we synced up the zone files between the two servers. While the switch went well overall we are getting reports that some users are seeing old zone file configurations in the members interface. This won’t effect […]
We have encountered a hardware issue with our remote1.easydns.com machine. Currently , we are working with our provider to get the machine back up and running as soon as possible. In the interim we have repointed the IP for remote1.easydns.com to one of our existing NS boxen.
member's site maintenance: September 6th 2009 @ 11:00pm EST
Greetings, On September 6th 2009 at 11:00pm EST the EasyDNS sysops team will be conducting a scheduled maintenance on the EasyDNS members interface. The work will last until September 7th 2009 at 3:00am EST. Barring complications or tweaks, our goal will be to complete work in a shorter period than we have allocated, but we’re […]