Inbound smtp traffic and mail forwarding are online and have been for some time. We do apologize for the late status update.
DOS Status
At approximately 7:15 AM, all services began functioning in optimum capacity. We do apologize for any inconvenience.
DOS Status
The easyDNS members website, nameservers ns1 and ns2 and web forwarding are back online. At the moment inbound smtp traffic and mail forwarding are offline. No mail will be lost as a result of this, remote servers will defer delivery to us for later retries. We hope to have things restored as soon as possible.
Denial of Service Attack
We’ve been under Denial of Service Attack since 4am EST. All core systems are down except nameservers remote1 and remote3. We are working together with data center personal on the issue.
Mail spooling time increased
We have increased our mail queues to 10 days from 5 days in response to Hurricane Katrina in hopes that it may allow those affected the opportunity to maintain the integrity of their operations. Our deepest concerns go out to those affected. easyDNS.
Maintenance Window ran long
Monday August 15, 2005 easyDNS maintenance window ran over the scheduled time frame, this effected access to until 9:00 AM eastern standard time. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences our users may have experienced and thank you for your understanding.