We are currently rerouting email destined for the following domains via alternate paths: swbell.net sbcglobal.net flash.net ameritech.net snet.net prodigy.net If other domains are also affected by this issue (i.e. the MX handler for the domain receving email is at prodigy.net) then please email the name to support or post it as a comment here and […]
Email Forwarding Blocked by Pacbell
Pacbell/SBCGlobal/Prodigy is refusing email from easyDNS forwarders. This impacts easyDNS members forwarding email at their domain names to email addresses to any email addresses at the above. easyDNS sysadmins have contacted Pacbell regarding this issue, and are awaiting resolution at Pacbell’s end. In the meantime, easyDNS members can login to their easyDNS accounts to redirect […]
Brief Members site maintenance tomorrow morning
We will be conducting a brief maintenance on the web server that hosts our members interface starting November 16th at 12:00am, ending at 12:15am. This maintenance will increase the capacity of the web server, resulting in a performance gain for the members interface. During this period, the members interface will not be accessible, and dynamic […]
Mail spooling time re-set to standard
Our mail spooling times have been rolled back from 10 days (in response to hurricane Katrina) to our 5 day standard.
Website connectivity issues
At 2:30pm today the EasyDNS members interface was attacked with large volumes of bogus web requests, causing brief periods of intermittent connectivity. The first attack lasted roughly an hour. The easyDNS administration team worked closely with our hosting provider to repel the attack, and capture as much data as possible for law enforcement purposes. During […]
sympatico mail woes
Bell is currently experiencing email issues and they are working towards a resolution. This will affect those forwarding domain based email addresses to sympatico addresses. easyDNS will spool mail forwarded to bellnet addresses for 10 days and mail will be delivered to its intended recipients as soon as the bell mailservers are functioning normally. At […]