Over the last few months, there has been a steady increase in spam and virus emails. Due to the nature of our mail forwarding service, this sometimes leads to ISPs and free email services being forwarded a large number of “junk” email. In the past, easyDNS has always strived to limit the amount of filtering […]
Forwarding delays to @hotmail.com
We are currently experiencing delays when forwarding mail to hotmail.com. These delays affect any customers trying to forward mail to the following MX hosts: mx1.hotmail.com mx2.hotmail.com mx3.hotmail.com mx4.hotmail.com We have contacted hotmail in an effort to resolve this issue.
Four essential components of Search Engine Optimization
I’ve been helping a longtime customer debug getting his website setup with a google sitemap and stealth redirection and he asked me in more general terms if I had any advice for him around search engine optimization. Here are four essential “must have’s” for SEO. Three you can do right now, the fourth is not […]
Name server DDoS attack Update
Greetings, The DDoS attack cause has been identified and we have worked with a series of DNS and network providers to cease the attack. Our main provider will be lifting the null-routes within the next hour to ns1.easydns.com and remote2.easydns.com via two carriers. During the attack, all other nameservers were unaffected and remained fully functional. […]
Name server DDoS attack
EasyDNS is currently experiencing a Distributed Denial of Service attack, impacting ns1.easydns.com and remote2.easydns.com. Name services are currently still responding actively with the exception of the two servers listed. For maximum protection as a client of EasyDNS please ensure that you are delegated to all six of our nameservers. Current status; ns1.easydns.com – Online (null-routed […]
Greylisting on smtp2
Greetings, In an effort to greatly reduce the percentage of spam that manages to pass through our backup mail spools, we are implementing a greylisting system on the smtp2.easydns.com mail pool. This system will have a positive effect on legitimate mail flow, and will reduce spooling of unwanted junk mail. The impact may be an […]