Unfortunately, we are currently experiencing an issue with our URL forwarding services. Our sysAdmins are looking into the issue and hope to have it resolved as soon as possible. We apologise for the inconvenience. **UPDATE – 2009-11-12 – 12:02pm** The URL forwarding issue we were experiencing has been resolved, and the URL forwarding service is […]
Phone Support Is Not Available For The Rest Of The Day
Hello, Due to continuing building maintenance we will not be able to provide phone support for the rest of today. If you have any questions or concerns, please email us: support@easydns.com billing@easydns.com Thanks! The easyDNS Team.
Useless URLs, Chapter #1
I see this so often I’ve decided to start a channel here to try to educate people on the effectiveness (or not) of using web addresses or URLs in both online and offline situations. In this installment, I was stuck in traffic behind this van the other day. This URL was staring in me in […]
Beware, Renewal Fraud.
Our subscribers have brought to our attention a new email scam designed to transfer domain names away from their legitimate registrars. Please be on the look out in your in box for a message from http://www.domainrenewal-online.org/ that will ask you to follow a link to renew your domain name. This link has nothing to do […]
Whois record modifications
We are currently experiencing some difficulties with the members page whois modification module. If you require an immediate whois record modification and are experiencing modification errors please contact our support department at support@easydns.com we apologise for the inconvenience and hope for a speedy resolution thank you easyDNS
DNS usage stats offline for now
We have temporarily disabled the DNS usage stats module while we iron out some performance and consistency issues. Sorry for the inconvenience, we hope to have them back online within a week to 10 days.