We’ve changed the glue record in the roots for ns3.easydns.org to reference a different node while we debug the data syncing issue. Some queries are still coming in owing to DNS cache issues. If you recently updated your zone and that update has not been reflected in ns3.easydns.org then you could also consider removing ns3.easydns.org […]
We’re experiencing issues with this machine updating zone info. We are working to resolve this issue and will post further info as it becomes available. NS3 may become unresponsive for a brief period as we restart all DNS services on this machine.
ns3.easydns.org this morning
Greetings, We are experiencing an issue with the DNS resolver on ns3.easydns.org this morning. This issue will not impact resolution. We are currently working with our network provider in London to resolve this issue. Thanks,
We are in the midst of changing the anycast address for ns1.easydns.com The new IP of ns1 will be , we are in the process if switching the zone entry as well as updating the glue records for ns1.easydns.com We will leave the old IP operational for a couple of weeks. During this time […]
SOLVED: Hardware outage.
Update: The hardware outage has been solved and the members interface is now back online. We have discovered a hardware issue with one of our DB servers. This affects the usage of our main site and members area. Our sysadmins are on site and working to resolve the issue as soon as possible. We’ll post […]
members interface offline
The main easyDNS member’s interface at https://members.easydns.com and public facing website are currently experiencing database communications issues and are offline. Systems personnel are onsite now and we hope to have things back to normal ASAP. In the meantime, easyDNS production systems – DNS, URL forwarding, email forwarding, etc. are unaffected. We will post updates accordingly […]