With the rest of the world, we are saddened to learn of Steve Jobs’ passing. Everyone at easyDNS feels a special connection to Apple and its products. We use Apple products everyday to build the websites, write the code and keep our business humming. Steve Jobs was a creative genius who showed millions that technology […]
Telephone Support Hours: Monday, 1 August, 2011
Today is a public holiday in Toronto: Simcoe Day. Our telephone support hours are 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM EDT. You can also email us at helpme@easydns.com with any support inquiries. Regards, The easyDNS Support Team
Resolution on intermittent issues [resolved]
The source of the intermittent and transient DNS resolution issues that affected some of our clients Saturday and Monday has been determined and resolved as of late Tuesday evening (EST). We have been monitoring the matter closely since then (as is necessary when a problem is both transient AND intermittent) and appreciate your patience while […]
Update: Intermittent issues appearing [resolved]
We’ve had some intermittent reports in the past short while about problems similar to the ones on Saturday. All hands are on deck working on it, and we’ll update as soon as we have more info. Our sincere apologies for any inconvenience, and thanks for the understanding. Update 22:00 EST: We’ve made further adjustments to […]
The check's in the mail, you say?
As many of you are likely aware, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers has announced a possible strike, starting Thursday June 2nd at 11:59pm. If this occurs, then cheques sent to easyDNS through the regular post will be delayed until the strike is resolved. To avoid any possible interruption to your service due to delayed […]
Changes to .CA domains : Meet the new hold – same as the old hold
Since last October’s change in CIRA’s registry system, non-renewed domains have been able to continue resolving after their expiration date, right up to the point of redemption and then deletion (presuming they remained non-renewed). This seems like a good idea at first, but what we’ve witnessed is that clients who don’t notice the domain passing […]