For customers using our easyRoute53 service to integrate DNS between easyDNS and Amazon, just a heads up that Amazon is currently experiencing problems with their Route 53 API that could prevent updates from being synced between easyDNS and Amazon. A manual ‘Import to easyDNS’ or ‘Export from easyDNS’ from our easyRoute53 interface may be required […]
Rogers Ontario users – we can help (so can others)
Some of us at easyDNS are Rogers clients at home, and we noticed service was down. A bit of noodling shows that they seem to be having some issues with their DNS resolvers. We’re not an ISP but we do provide free DNS resolvers to the internet for folks who want it, so if you’re […]
[RESOLVED]: DNS2: Intermittent Timeouts
Apologies for not updating the blog earlier. This issue has been resolved and was as of approximately 8AM EST this morning. This issue was addressed and we are no longer experiencing intermittent timeouts. —– We are currently experiencing some intermittent timeouts with one of our DNS2 nodes. We are working with our provider […]
easyDNS Holiday Hours
Our holiday hours will be as follows. All days not mentioned will be set to our regular support hours of 8:30AM till 6PM on weekdays and from noon till 6PM weekends. Monday December 24th, from 8:30AM till 3PM Tuesday December 25th, closed Wednesday December 26th, from 8:30AM till 6PM Monday December 31st, 8:30AM till 3PM […]
easyDNS Holiday Hours
Our holiday hours will be as follows. All days not mentioned will be set to our regular support hours of 8:30AM till 6PM on weekdays and from noon till 6PM weekends. Monday December 24th, from 8:30AM till 3PM Tuesday December 25th, closed Wednesday December 26th, from 8:30AM till 6PM Monday December 31st, 8:30AM till 3PM […]
Maintenance Window : Tuesday Nov 6, 11:00 pm EST – Wednesday Nov 7, 3:00 am EST
Maintenance Window : Tuesday Nov 6, 11:00 pm EST – Wednesday Nov 7, 3:00 am EST As part of easyDNS’ ongoing commitment to rock-solid service, we are upgrading our web servers. This will result in a brief period where users will be unable to log in and access their accounts to make changes through our […]