It’s time to reclaim our rights from out-of-touch politicians
All human rights come down to one: Choice.
— Robert Breedlove
Update Feb 11, 2022 12:20pm
A State of Emergency has been declared in Ontario and the situation is evolving quickly. The announcement also included an imminent end to the provincial vaccine passports.
So far we have not sent any funds to Tallycoin. We have been in communication with the Tallycoin organizers who have informed us that they have not yet sent any funds to the truckers either. On both sides we are awaiting clarity on the situation.
To that point, there has been a lot of misinformation about what the original Ottawa FreedomConvoy stands for, and what their goals are. One of the three organizers B J Dichter, went on the BTC Sessions podcast along with the Tallycoin organizers. I would recommend listening to it (TL, DR: it’s an end to the mandates. That’s it.)
FWIW, the Tallycoin organizers are against the Ambassador Bridge blockade, and I can’t say I disagree. We all want people working, we want everything opened back up. We want the mandates removed and the lockdowns ended.
To that end, we will continue to hold our Bitcoin payments in escrow and then allocate them to one or more legal processes and entities working toward an end to the mandates. That could be somebody like the JCCF, or anybody else pushing forward on this front.
(If you made a Bitcoin payment with the specific intention of supporting the truckers and would now like a refund, email me markjr [at] and we’ll take care of that).
Some of you were disappointed in us when we took this position, but I don’t think anybody should be surprised by it. easyDNS has always been pro-free-speech, for civil rights, freedom and personal responsibility. A big part of that is having sovereignty over your own money. I’ve endlessly repeated the mantra “Bitcoin Fixes This”, and it will.
This company will always stand behind your right to free expression and deliver the tools and infrastructure to help you do that. We wish you all the best. – mark
— end, Original Post Follows
We’re into our second week of the Freedom Convoy’s protests in Ottawa, and they’re spreading nationwide. We’re approaching our third year of mandates, lockdowns and other generalized contraventions of both the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Brian Peckford, the last living signatory Canada’s Charter of Rights is suing the government over its violations of it).
Covid is largely over and even at its zenith, it was, while serious, never an existential threat for anybody who was actually following the data. Not to the point where it justified negating everybody’s civil rights (exempting, of course, the rights of the politicians who suspended them, and many of the cultural elites who have been cheerleading it).
Anybody following my writings around this, either in AxisOfEasy or over on my personal blog knows where I land on all this.
When somebody finally took a stand, the truckers, I was cautiously optimistic. Especially given how cowardly our Prime Minister has behaved and how sanctimonious and polarizing his rhetoric has been. His behaviour as our titular leader has been indefensible and after his speech to Parliament last night, where he demonized and slandered hard-working Canadians who supply our cities I realized something: This man is finished. And so is everybody else who is trying to keep their emergency powers going indefinitely.
(If you’re about to sputter about swastikas and Confederate Flags, those incidents are suspicious and almost certainly agents provocateurs. I have multiple sources on the ground in Ottawa and there is absolutely nothing of that sort going on there. Zero.)
Protestor with confederate flag told to leave. He is suspected of being provocateur by the crowd and immediately left after being asked questions. Full story coming up.
— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 30, 2022
It all feels like we’re at an inflection point, and the COVID spring is upon us. All over the world, countries, states and cities are declaring the pandemic to be at an end and scrapping all emergency measures: vaxports, mandates, lockdowns, masks, – it’s all going away and being made voluntary, which was as it should have been in the first place. The unelected technocrats who have been calling the shots throughout are coming to grips with the reality that COVID is now endemic and, fortunately, mostly harmless.
So be it.
The emergency is over and it’s time to get our lives and our rights back. We have to force every recalcitrant political hack and bureaucrat who can’t relinquish absolute power to step down and resign. It’s over.
The Freedom Convoy raised over $10 million dollars via GoFundMe in a week. That’s more than half of what either the Conservatives or Liberals raised over all of 2021, an election year. That’s pretty obviously will of the people level numbers, and yet, what happens at the behest of these imperious politicians in Ottawa?
We all know what happened, GoFundMe suspended the campaign, and even deigned to redistribute the funds gathered to other “approved charities” before the backlash forced them to simply refund all the money. I got my refund back, more than doubled the number, added a zero and then sent it in Bitcoin to the Freedom Convoy.
These insular elites think they’re above the rules, that they know everything and that the people have no legitimate right to dissent in any way. We can’t even be permitted to donate our own money as we see fit?
Well, fortunately there’s Bitcoin, and the entire decentralized revolution which is sweeping an entire class of bungling technocrats, self-serving central bankers and the Big Tech priests of the temple into the dustbin of history.
So while GoFraudMe may think they have the purview to decide what you or I do with our own money, Bitcoin is all about empowering us.
To this end, effective immediately, we will be donating all Bitcoin payments we receive here at easyDNS to the HonkHonkHODL campaign to fund the Freedom Convoy. This will remain in effect until the truckers declare victory, which means all mandates are revoked and all of our rights under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms have been restored and shielded from future encroachments.
Please direct any concerns, comments (including complaints) to myself directly:
Mark E. Jeftovic, co-founder & CEO.
Twitter: @stuntpope (DM’s open)
Email: markjr@ easydns [dot] com
Phone: 1-416-535-8672 x 225
Update #4) Ontario to set timeline for ending all COVID emergency measures on Monday Feb 14
On Monday the Ford cabinet will meet to discuss the new plan for dropping all Covid restrictions.
We are about a month away from vax pass and masks being dropped.LILLEY: Ontario to set dates for dropping all COVID measures on Monday, via @thetorontosun
— Brian Lilley (@brianlilley) February 14, 2022
Update #3) Interim Conservative leader Candace Bergen to introduce member bill to remove all federal emergency mandates by end of Feb
ENDING COVID MANDATES MOTION: Our Interim @CPC_HQ leader @CandiceBergenMP has put forward a motion that calls on the HoC to put forward a plan to lift all mandates and restrictions by the end of February 2022.
Are you with us?
— Bob Zimmer MP (@bobzimmermp) February 12, 2022
Update #2) Alberta is scrapping vax passports effective immediately
Another domino tumbles with Alberta Premier Jason Kenny’s announcement that vaccine passports are toast, effective immediately.
Update (#1?) The first Liberal Party MP has broken ranks:
“Where the hell are we heading here in Canada?”
Joël Lightbound becomes the first member of Trudeau’s government to break ranks. It won’t take many more…
— Doomberg (@DoombergT) February 8, 2022
Very disappointing seeing something like this here on a business site. It makes me want to consider a new Domain/Mail Host…..
I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiment, and I will no longer use easydns services.
This content makes me _more_ likely to use EasyDNS.
I agree with a lot of your political stances, disagree with some. But what I really respected was your fierce independence when it comes to running easyDNS, the business. I’ve not been aware of any previous incident of using easyDNS itself as a platform to make a purely political statement (but I admit, i could easly be mistaken about this observation). easyDNS has been opinionated on tech and tech-adjacent issues, which I’m perfectly okay with (and support), because easyDNS is in the business of technical services and can speak with some authority on those issues. I’m also perfectly okay with (and supportive of) your personal, i’ll say, generally libertarian views. What I’m not okay with is having easyDNS wade into non-technical spheres that do not relate to easyDNS’s business.
I think you’ve missed the mark on this particular thing. The truckers are not the noble defenders of free speech that you believed them to be. While your own stance on the mandates and free speech on this issue, as far as i can tell, are very agreeable, I think you’ve misplaced your support in that particular group.
Having said that, if you want to support them using your share of the profits from easyDNS, after taking it out of easyDNS and into your personal funds, go for it. Protecting the freedom to do what you personally want to do is exactly what I like about easyDNS. But easyDNS itself staking a position on this doesn’t jive right with me. Even if you redirect the funds to something other than the truckers, even if I agree with the cause, I don’t like that easyDNS is doing it (again, outside of tech-related issues).
Agent provocateur? There are multiple documented instances of these “protesters” flashing racist and violent symbols. They are part of that group, not outside forces seeking to discredit them. These are not good people representing Canadians. They are far-right anti-government, anti-immigrant, hateful people.
Here’s one of the main organizers, Pat King, and you can see and hear his racist comments in his own words:
and another:
I don’t know anything about Pat King or what his deal is. I do know that the three organizers of the original convoy are BJ and Tamara Dichter and Chris Barber.
These things tend to take on a life of their own and people glom on and try to hijack things, but underlying all that is a deep seated alienation across the entire country.
Demonizing these people as racists for bringing their grievances to bear, will not help. Trudeau especially should be legally barred from calling anybody a “racist”.
Yes, it’s true that many people will join in with differing priorities. But, this never was a “trucker” protest. Almost all of the 300,000 professional truckers in Canada are vaccinated. Just over 100 truckers were part of that Ottawa protest, a tiny fraction of the trucker industry. Truckers’ own professional organization is in favour of mandates and against the protest, and the same for the trucking companies.
Okay, you mention BJ. B.J. Dichter has a history of islamaphobic comments. He spoke at a 2019 People’s Party of Canada convention, warning about the dangers of ‘political Islamists” and said the Liberal Party is “infested with Islamists.” He said that Muslims come to Canada to “to leave the garbage of their birth country behind them”, and that “political Islam is rotting away at our society like syphilis”.
Convoy organizer Pat King said “there’s an endgame, it’s called depopulation of the Caucasian race, or the Anglo-Saxon. And that’s what the goal is, is to depopulate the Anglo-Saxon race because they are the ones with the strongest bloodlines”.
Racial intolerance is a core part of this protest’s organization.
And of course it’s filled with lies about covid and the response. Pat King said on Facebook that covid is “not a naturally occurring virus, it’s a man-made bioweapon that was put out to make people sick, to push the narrative for all these jabs, is what it was… Because the jab is the, they want to be able to track you, follow you, know your every movement you do.”
Other regional organizers have documented histories of racist ideology, homophobia, anti-immigrant views.
Importantly, this really is not a “trucker” protest. As I said, the relatively few truckers in the large protest group are a tiny fraction of the commendable Canadian trucking industry. This protest does not represent truckers or Canadians.