Due to abuse over the past weekend by some 419 scammers creating bogus accounts, our outbound easyMail servers have been temporarily added to some blacklists, causing some mail to bounce back to our users. We’re sorry for any inconvenience. We shut them all down quickly, but they had a chance to send out some spam, causing some of our IPs to be automatically added to these lists. We are working to route mail to eliminate this situation, as well as getting those IPs de-listed. It should be resolved soon.
We are also implementing new rule sets to ensure this won’t happen again, and as a result some users may encounter new checks when activating easyMail on new domains.
We appreciate your understanding that this is for the benefit of all our users.
—Update 11:20 EST–
We believe the problem with outbound webmail has now been resolved.
Most emails are transiting our system within a few seconds. If you’re seeing delays, please contact our support team with some details and they’ll be more than happy to see what might be going on.