Lifehacker is doing another“Who is the Best Registrar” survey, and of course we’ve been out there tweeting and #fb-ing for everybody to head on over there and vote….for us 🙂 Of course.
(If you’re not familiar with us, check out our main website here, or read 10 Things You Must Know Before You Register A Domain With Any Registrar)
But it got me thinking this morning, shameless self promotion aside, who are the best registrars out there? Aside from us, I mean.
A few come to mind:
easyDNS: That’s us. Originally this article was talking about the LifeHacker reader’s poll but if you’re here now, check us out. Hover really nails simplicity and streamlining things, and in fact they’ve sat down with us and helped us streamline some of our processes. Because we are so “DNS-centric” we sometimes over-complicate things and lose sight that a lot of our customers care more about the domain registration aspect of things than the DNS uptime aspect of things. Hover has been helpful in helping us figure that out, and our valet service is a direct result of that. Our west-coast counterparts, we got to know them through my involvement with the CIRA Board over the years and it was clear from the outset that they had the same customer-centric ethos as we do. Always refreshing to find another outfit like that. I’ve never met anybody from Gandi and don’t know those guys, but we always hear great things about them, and their “No Bullshit” trademark? Wow, what that’s just awesome.
So, if you have an opinion on the subject, head on over to the Best Registrar Survey and make yourself heard.
Thank you Mark for this. We have the same mutual respect for you and your company. is by far the best choice. The prices are great and the customer service is excellent but best of all are the people at Webmames.