Just in case you were not confused enough as to whether we unplugged wikileaks, helped them get back online; or had unprotected “relations” with Julian Assange (we didn’t), the story “broke” this morning that WikiLeaks.org was back, due to help from easyDNS:
Access to Wikileaks.org has returned after members of its consortium worked with Mark Jeftovic, founder of EasyDNS, to help them get their domains back online.
Which is not the case, not today. A little over a week ago, we were contacted by an independent group attempting to revive DNS for wikileaks.org and wikileaks.ch, which were both unplugged by our evil twin: EveryDNS (just kidding guys). Last sunday we were added to the delegation for the wikileaks fallback domain wikileaks.ch, and on monday wikileaks.nl came on (see “Further Reading” at end of this post) – and while we were originally told to prepare for .org, it never materialized.
Today when wikileaks.org came back online, it was on the nameservers of their Registrar, dynadot. This is clearly visible in a whois lookup for wikileaks.org, which is something I encourage any reporter or blogger attempting to comment intelligently on this situation to do, lest they run the risk of looking foolish or worse, ending up on my list of “people to kill” when I finally snap and go on a shooting spree.
On a brigher note there was a good article in the New York Times this morning about the entire situation which was accurate (imagine that) – thank you.
Further Reading
- Wikileaks “takedown” fiasco underscores pathetic state of internet “journalism”
- Thank you to all, I would like this to stop now.
- Ok Would We Take On DNS FOr Wikileaks?
- easyDNS added to Wikileaks.ch DNS delegation
- Concerns around Wikileaks DNS for easyDNS Members
- Timeline of an Epic #FAIL: The Wikileaks Takedown Fiasco
Gawker is vile.
I had to look up the spelling of schadenfreude, but if you don’t have a little right now you’re not human:
Thank you for supporting WikiLeaks!
Just wanted to thank you for standing up for WikiLeaks, and by extension, free press and free speech on the internet. You make me proud to be Canadian. If I ever need hosting or related services, you’ll will the first on my list.