I had lunch yesterday with a colleague from Tucows, who is , among other things, our wholesale supplier of SSL certificates from Geotrust. I mentioned we had a customer who wanted 10 True BusinessID Wildcard SSL Certs and he said he would check on the possibility of getting us a price break on that order.
Later in the afternoon I was happy to receive the following email:
I’ll make it simple and reduce your wildcard pricing for all orders, not just for the 10 but all.
Will be effective tonight.
So we’re spreading the joy and reducing our price on the Geotrust True BusinessID Wildcard SSL Certificates from $559 to $519.
Geotrust retails these SSL certs at $995, because the big benefit of these SSL certs is that they provide up to 256-bit encryption on an unlimited number of subdomains on your webserver. These are also “full company verification” SSL certs, which means you also get a GeoTrust True Site Seal with company name and date/time stamp to put on your website.
You can see our SSL Pricing here, and to order an SSL cert simply log into your easyDNS account and click on the “SSL Certificates” item in the lefthand sidebar menu.
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