Not even sure why we did this other than “because we could”, but try this:
Setup a txt record in your domain like this:
host IN TXT ""v=twitterstatus1 txthost twitterid"
And basically what happens is the last tweet from “twitterid” will be placed into the contents of a TXT record for “txthost” under your domain name.
Kind of like a tweet2txt or tweet2dns gateway.
So now in the above cases:
markjr@c3po:~$ host -t txt descriptive text "Ok, about to announce tweet2txt or tweet2dns via the company blog...."
markjr@c3po:~$ host -t txt descriptive text "Ok, the final word on DNS pricing is up (pricing for heavy use domains over 5 million queries per month)"
These get refreshed every 5 minutes.
This is of course, of no practical value at this point in time. But it opens the door to bridging the gap between your social network status and your personal domain’s DNS and who knows, maybe somebody will do something interesting with that.
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