Secondary Anycast DNS
What is a Secondary Anycast network?
In a secondary anycast DNS network a cloud of servers replaces a name server with a single IP address and it runs alongside your primary DNS or other secondary solutions.
On the Internet, layer 3 routing sends DNS queries to the closest available name server. In the case of D-Zone even the name server is replaced with a node that includes multiple servers and multiple points of access to the Internet.
High Reliability
D-Zone Anycast DNS servers are located in Canada and in global Internet hubs, and managed to provide a 100 per cent up time service level agreement (SLA). Each node is built with fully redundant, load-balanced, state-of-the-art equipment to improve capacity, latency, security and up-time.
Because of the nature of anycast technology, if a nameserver in an anycast cloud goes down, it is automatically removed from the routing tables to add redundancy and fault tolerance. With D-Zone the highest level of redundancy is achieved with two separate clouds.
When compared to unicast redundancy, it is like replacing two unicast nameservers with two anycast clouds, with each cloud using independent hardware, multiple transit providers, and a direction connection to a well peered IXP. This protects against a routing problem or transit network outage from bringing down your DNS. Fully redundant, load-balanced, state-of-the-art equipment in every node helps improve capacity, latency, security and up-time.
Eight nodes running
coast-to-coast in Canada